Blackjack Tournaments 2024 - Find Tournaments and Events in your area

Update Details

Event: Wild Wednesday Blackjack Tournament

Casino: Casino Arizona Salt River

Posted by: BlueLight BlueLight

Posted: 2012-05-04 13:44:03

Added details (Tournament is held on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 
the 101 & McKellips location.
First round held in three sessions. One of six players 
advance from 1st round.
Second round consists of 3 tables of six players with 2 
players from each table advancing to final table. If needed 
wild cards to the 2nd round are drawn to fill the second 
round tables.
Min bet 25. Max bet 2500.
BJs pay 2-1, and they do offer insurance and even money. 
For 1st round sessions only, if you buy a $5 Keno ticket 
you get an additional 500 in chips.).
Changed prize pool (5200 to 7100).
Removed Guarantee for all prizes.
Removed Guarantee for 1st prize.
Added prize details (The casino is adding $2000 to the prize pool. The prizes 
shown are based on a typical 54 entries. 1st = 35% of pool. 
2nd = 20%  3rd = 16%  4th = 12%  5th = 8%  6th = 5%  
Dealers = 4%  For more entries (108 max) all prizes are 
larger. With 54 entries and the casino adding $2000 to the 
prize pool it is a 32% overlay!).
Changed prize 1 (2500 to 2590).
Changed prize 2 (1500 to 1480).
Changed prize 3 (600 to 1180).
Changed prize 4 (300 to 890).
Changed prize 5 (200 to 590).
Changed prize 6 (100 to 370).