Blackjack Tournaments 2024 - Find Tournaments and Events in your area

Update Details

Event: Blackjack Tournament

Casino: San Felipe Casino Hollywood

Posted by: mociferous mociferous

Posted: 2013-03-19 17:04:46

Added casino (San Felipe Casino Hollywood - San Felipe NM).
Added date (3/20/2013).
Changed frequency (1 to 2).
Added weekdays (Wednesday).
Week 1 excluded.
Week 2 excluded.
Week 3 excluded.
Week 4 excluded.
Week 5 excluded.
Added final date (4/17/2013).
Added event name (Blackjack Tournament).
Added phone number (877-529-2946).
Added entry fee (25.00).
Added reentry fee (20.00).
Added bankroll (1000.00).
Changed format.
Added details (Must sign up by 6:30 PM day of tourney.  Play starts at 7PM.
 Limited to 42 players.  (First two weeks were 11 and 28
players.) Casino adds $500 to the entry fees for prize pool.
Rebuys are available until hand 14 of 21 ONLY if you are
totally busted out.).
Added prize details (Top 3 pay...50% for 1st, 30% for 2nd, and 20% for 3rd...I
THINK this is their breakdown.  If you play 5
hours table games between Thurs and Tues, you get a free buyin.).